The Legend: Ladizia & the treasures of nature.
For our cottage resort in Tirol, we have found an exceptionally beautiful place by the sunny plateau. Located in a quiet and sunny spot, with wonderful panoramic views, the home of Ladizium is also the home of the well-travelled and fans of Tirol, for those seeking relaxation and for sporty mountain lovers, who want plenty of time and space for their experiences.
Borne by the legend "Ladizia and the treasures of nature" the location radiates a touch of magic and mysticism, of the noble and vintage, which awaits you in the nature-chalets of "Morgentau", "Sonnenglut", "Gipfelwind", "Abendrot", "Sternenglanz", "Liebesfeuer", "Tannenruh", "Blättergold" and "Waldfrieden" as well as in the restaurant "Fire & Flames".
Our new hotel brochure
Plenty of time and space for your exclusive Tyrolean holiday.